All big things start small and unspectacular
Peace work takes place in the knowing of one's own inner value. It is from this self-worth, which is preceded by a process of awareness, that respect, appreciation and self-acceptance become possible in everyday life.

Based on this healthy foundation (explained above), there is an inner need and desire to share one's own “heart fire” with other people, animals, plants and the earth, and ultimately the greater whole, in a respectful, mindful and loving way and to act accordingly.  In this way, a profound change can take place in and around us, towards a happy world.

The foundation has the task of supporting and promoting my own, as well as projects from third parties. This can be financially, as well as in form of a personal commitment. “PEACEWALK FOUNDATION” is completely detached from religion, culture and politics. The freedom to choose the project lies entirely with the foundation.
It pursues the vision of realizing, strengthening and anchoring in the value of a dignified world worth living in.
Thank you


Experiencing world peace in this lifetime

During my camino to Santiago de Compostela in 2018 my life vision was born.

PEACEWALK actively implements my vision with my own and other people's projects.

PEACEWALK is a word with deeds, hope and radiance.

PEACEWALK takes visions of peace by the hand and walks with you and me,
step by step, into a shared future in peace.
Together we achieve it  – making the impossible possible – join us now!

PEACEWALK – mine – your – our vision for world peace!

Thank you for being part of PEACEWALK, so we create eternal peace here on Earth together.

Thank you for your donation, Claudia

PEACEWALK CH72 0840 1000 0647 0869 1