

ANEA – Die vergessene Reise (English version will be published in spring 2025)

It begins with this story of a young girl in a wonderful land. She learns so much there, is on the go a lot, and looks forward to new encounters with all kinds of beings. She meets new friends, travels to foreign countries here and there and is grateful – yes, blissfully grateful for each new day.
So join her – an invitation from this girl to you! What might she tell you? Be open! It’s worth it, because what it shows you is your own soul picture; it’s not important whether you are a man or women, not even whether you are old or young. The human soul paints it, this wondrous girl, for us – you and me.
Enjoy immersing yourself in, empathizing with and perceiving this unique soul story, one that connects us all deep inside, touches us deeply and again brings us together deep inside.
Welcome to ANEA and her journey.

Here a small reading sample from my book «ANEA – Die vergessene Reise», enjoy it!

Tip: Order the book together with my Oracle deck. 
Both are currently only available in German.

ANEAs Seelenpflanzen-Orakel (currently only in German available) Great Helpers from the Stars and Nature

Great Helpers from the Stars and Nature
ANEAs Soul & Nature Oracle deck provides nice and helpful messages from the stars and the soul words from the plants to help you walk down the path of your own heart with joy and energy. They are telling you that help is always there for you.

Tip: Order my Oracle deck together with my book 
(both items in German only, at time)